Building Couple Time Blog

Get Off the Hamster Wheel of Perfection 

Jan 06, 2025

Your worth is not determined by your achievements or accomplishments.  You are lovable and acceptable just the way you are now.  

Here are some tips to help you get off the hamster wheel of perfection:

Tip #1  Self-Talk: Change perfectionistic thinking to positive and...

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Feeling Resentful and Tired? What Can Be Done . . .

May 09, 2021

A Mother's Day Tip:

How helping your partner to recharge can help keep your love alive in your couple relationship.

Individuals and couples with young children may feel frustrated and overwhelmed with so much of their energy going into taking care of their children, whether that be at home or...

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Mom Calm Ideas

Oct 01, 2020

Mom Calm Ideas:

I recently met with a group of moms with young children as a way to understand their struggles during Covid, and help them carve out some me-time, even though it seems there’s never enough time for mom. 

One mom said, “I can tell that my family feels calmer and...

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Stress-Reducing Tips for You 😘❤️

May 10, 2020

Happy Mother’s Day to all you Mamas with young kiddos! 

What a great day to relax and be pampered by your partner and your family.  Remember, your happiness trickles down to their happiness.

While many of you and your families are being impacted by Covid-19, you are probably...

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Moms, Remember to Laugh

Oct 02, 2019

Dear Moms,

You deserve a laugh today.  I wanted to share this amazing mom who reminds us about the simple joys in life.

Check this out for a good laugh just for mom:



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Are you a parent with a young child or two? Then I bet you're feeling frustrated, exhausted, and overwhelmed with the never-ending To Do list that comes with growing a family. This "Date State" guide will help you feel closer and more connected in your marital/couple relationship!